1 Peter

Chapter 1

1 PETER, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the chosen ones and pilgrims, scattered throughout Pontus, Ga-la'tia, Cap-pado'cia, Asia Minor and Bi-thyn'i-a,

2 Who have been chosen by the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, to be obedient and to sprinkle the blood of our LORD Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace, be multiplied.

3 Blessed be God, the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, who by his abundant mercy has again renewed us spiritually to a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

4 To an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, that does not fade away, and is prepared in heaven for you,

5 While you are kept by the power of God through faith, for the life eternal which is ready to be revealed at the last time.

6 Wherein you will rejoice for ever, though at present you are sorrowful for a while, through diverse trials which have come upon you:

7 So that the proof of your faith, being much more precious than refined gold which has been purified by fire, may be made manifest for the glory and honour and praise at the appearing of Jesus Christ,

8 Whom you have not seen, but whom you yet love, and in whose faith you rejoice with exceeding joy that cannot be described;

9 And you will receive the reward for your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

10 For which very salvation the prophets searched diligently when they prophesied concerning the grace which was to be given to you.

11 They searched to find out at what time it would be revealed, and the Spirit of Christ which dwelt in them testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

12 And everything they were searching for was revealed to them because they did not seek for their own benefit, but they prophesied the things which concerned us, the things which now have been revealed to you by those who have preached the gospel to you through the Holy Spirit sent from heaven; which things the angels also desire to look into.

13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be wide awake, and hope for the joy that is coming to you at the revelation of our LORD Jesus Christ;

14 Like obedient children, not partakers again in those sinful desires for which you once lusted in your ignorance:

15 But be you holy in all your conduct, as he who has called you is holy;

16 Because it is written, Be you holy, even as I am holy.

17 And if you call on the Father, who is impartial and who judges every man according to his works, conduct yourselves reverently during the time of your sojourning here:

18 Knowing that you have not been redeemed from your empty works which you have received from your fathers by corruptible silver and gold;

19 But with the precious blood of the Lamb without blemish and without spot which is Christ:

20 Who verily was foreordained for this very purpose, before the foundation of the world, and was manifest in these last times, for your sakes,

21 Who by him do believe in God, who raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might rest on God.

22 Let your souls be sanctified by obedience to the truth, and be filled with sincere love, so that you may love one another with pure and perfect hearts:

23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which lives and abides for ever.

24 For all flesh is as grass, and all its glory is as the flower of the field. The grass withers and the flower fades away:

25 But the word of our God endures for ever. And this is the very word which has been preached to you.



1 耶穌基督使徒彼得、書達散處本都、加拉太、伽帕多家、亞西亞、比推尼之覊旅、

2 在昔父上帝、預知簡爾、蒙神成聖、得耶穌基督灑血、使爾信從、願恩寵平康、錫爾不匱、

3 祝謝吾主耶穌基督之父上帝、因其鴻慈、甦耶穌基督、賜我重生、可望永生、

4 得無敝無玷無廢之業、爲我備於天、

5 此福必顯於季世、賜凡信主、賴上帝大力、護持得救、

6 因此歡樂、今爾若當歷艱難、鬱伊祗俄頃間、

7 使爾信主、見試而彌堅、非若金、一經煆煉、漸卽消磨者可比、待耶穌基督顯日、得頌美尊榮、

8 爾於耶穌末見而愛之、未覩而信之、遂喜不勝、尊榮之至、非言所能盡、

9 得信主之功效、救爾魂是也、

10 昔先知預言爾所沾之恩、探索救道、

11 夷考基督之神、牖先知衷、預明基督何時遘艱苦、何時受榮光、

12 先知旣得默示、言其傳道、非獨爲己、乃爲我儕、今蒙天降聖神、使宣福音、以傳斯道與爾、天使亦欲詳察斯道、

13 當堅志儆醒、至終企望、於耶穌基督顯日、受厥恩寵、

14 爾旣爲子、而悅從天父、則勿仍暗昧以狥欲、

15 召爾者乃聖、爾所行亦當若是、

16 經曰、吾聖矣、爾亦當聖、

17 父不偏視人、必依其行爲而鞫之、爾旣籲父、則寄生斯世、當無日不儆惕、

18 爾蹈祖愆得見贖者、知不以剝蝕之金銀、

19 實以基督之寶血、譬彼羔羊、無疵無玷、

20 創世之先、基督定爲贖罪、迄茲季世、顯著與信上帝者、

21 上帝甦基督不錫榮光、欲爾堅厥信、望上帝恩、

22 爾旣感聖神潔靈府、順眞理、友誼無僞、誠心切愛、

23 爾所托以重生者、非可敝之道、乃永生上帝常存不敝之道、

24 經云、世人惟草、其榮如花、草枯花謝、

25 惟主道永存、福音傳汝者、卽斯道也、

1 Peter

Chapter 1



1 PETER, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the chosen ones and pilgrims, scattered throughout Pontus, Ga-la'tia, Cap-pado'cia, Asia Minor and Bi-thyn'i-a,

1 耶穌基督使徒彼得、書達散處本都、加拉太、伽帕多家、亞西亞、比推尼之覊旅、

2 Who have been chosen by the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, to be obedient and to sprinkle the blood of our LORD Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace, be multiplied.

2 在昔父上帝、預知簡爾、蒙神成聖、得耶穌基督灑血、使爾信從、願恩寵平康、錫爾不匱、

3 Blessed be God, the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, who by his abundant mercy has again renewed us spiritually to a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

3 祝謝吾主耶穌基督之父上帝、因其鴻慈、甦耶穌基督、賜我重生、可望永生、

4 To an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled, that does not fade away, and is prepared in heaven for you,

4 得無敝無玷無廢之業、爲我備於天、

5 While you are kept by the power of God through faith, for the life eternal which is ready to be revealed at the last time.

5 此福必顯於季世、賜凡信主、賴上帝大力、護持得救、

6 Wherein you will rejoice for ever, though at present you are sorrowful for a while, through diverse trials which have come upon you:

6 因此歡樂、今爾若當歷艱難、鬱伊祗俄頃間、

7 So that the proof of your faith, being much more precious than refined gold which has been purified by fire, may be made manifest for the glory and honour and praise at the appearing of Jesus Christ,

7 使爾信主、見試而彌堅、非若金、一經煆煉、漸卽消磨者可比、待耶穌基督顯日、得頌美尊榮、

8 Whom you have not seen, but whom you yet love, and in whose faith you rejoice with exceeding joy that cannot be described;

8 爾於耶穌末見而愛之、未覩而信之、遂喜不勝、尊榮之至、非言所能盡、

9 And you will receive the reward for your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

9 得信主之功效、救爾魂是也、

10 For which very salvation the prophets searched diligently when they prophesied concerning the grace which was to be given to you.

10 昔先知預言爾所沾之恩、探索救道、

11 They searched to find out at what time it would be revealed, and the Spirit of Christ which dwelt in them testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

11 夷考基督之神、牖先知衷、預明基督何時遘艱苦、何時受榮光、

12 And everything they were searching for was revealed to them because they did not seek for their own benefit, but they prophesied the things which concerned us, the things which now have been revealed to you by those who have preached the gospel to you through the Holy Spirit sent from heaven; which things the angels also desire to look into.

12 先知旣得默示、言其傳道、非獨爲己、乃爲我儕、今蒙天降聖神、使宣福音、以傳斯道與爾、天使亦欲詳察斯道、

13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be wide awake, and hope for the joy that is coming to you at the revelation of our LORD Jesus Christ;

13 當堅志儆醒、至終企望、於耶穌基督顯日、受厥恩寵、

14 Like obedient children, not partakers again in those sinful desires for which you once lusted in your ignorance:

14 爾旣爲子、而悅從天父、則勿仍暗昧以狥欲、

15 But be you holy in all your conduct, as he who has called you is holy;

15 召爾者乃聖、爾所行亦當若是、

16 Because it is written, Be you holy, even as I am holy.

16 經曰、吾聖矣、爾亦當聖、

17 And if you call on the Father, who is impartial and who judges every man according to his works, conduct yourselves reverently during the time of your sojourning here:

17 父不偏視人、必依其行爲而鞫之、爾旣籲父、則寄生斯世、當無日不儆惕、

18 Knowing that you have not been redeemed from your empty works which you have received from your fathers by corruptible silver and gold;

18 爾蹈祖愆得見贖者、知不以剝蝕之金銀、

19 But with the precious blood of the Lamb without blemish and without spot which is Christ:

19 實以基督之寶血、譬彼羔羊、無疵無玷、

20 Who verily was foreordained for this very purpose, before the foundation of the world, and was manifest in these last times, for your sakes,

20 創世之先、基督定爲贖罪、迄茲季世、顯著與信上帝者、

21 Who by him do believe in God, who raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might rest on God.

21 上帝甦基督不錫榮光、欲爾堅厥信、望上帝恩、

22 Let your souls be sanctified by obedience to the truth, and be filled with sincere love, so that you may love one another with pure and perfect hearts:

22 爾旣感聖神潔靈府、順眞理、友誼無僞、誠心切愛、

23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which lives and abides for ever.

23 爾所托以重生者、非可敝之道、乃永生上帝常存不敝之道、

24 For all flesh is as grass, and all its glory is as the flower of the field. The grass withers and the flower fades away:

24 經云、世人惟草、其榮如花、草枯花謝、

25 But the word of our God endures for ever. And this is the very word which has been preached to you.

25 惟主道永存、福音傳汝者、卽斯道也、
